What method of hair removal do we offer you?
Lady 11 September 2020
What method of hair removal do we offer you?

Beauty requires sacrifice! How often do we repeat this phrase, especially if we have to epilate a bikini or face wax. We are used to endure pain and do not even know that we can get rid of unnecessary hair forever:

  • without pain and tears,
  • without pimples and irritation,
  • without burns and pigmentation,
  • without any negative consequences.

Just a few painless sessions - and the hair stops growing!

What method of hair removal do we offer you?

Epilation in Moscow is carried out in almost every salon or beauty center, but it makes it even harder to choose where to do the hair removal and what method. Only types of hair removal there are at least ten - and still need to find a good cosmetologist and clinic. We offer you to come to us. In our clinic, we have tried all types of hair removal and based on patient feedback stopped at the epilation with diode laser. And if you are interested in laser hair removal in brooklyn, go to the site.

Lazer hair removal

It was not a coincidence that we chose a diode laser. Today, it is recognized as the most painless and effective laser in the whole line of modern lasers. It is suitable for all hair types: dark, light, thin - and for all skin types.

Arguments in favor of diode laser hair removal:
Firstly, diode laser hair removal completely destroys the hair follicle without the possibility of its subsequent recovery. This means that after the hair removal course, the hair will no longer grow.
Secondly, the diode laser directly affects the hair follicle and has no effect on the surrounding tissues, so there are no scars during laser hair removal.
Thirdly, laser-diode hair removal is a painless procedure. Intimate diode laser hair removal is especially popular, because the effect on hair follicles in sensitive areas is fast and painless.
Today, hair removal with laser is one of the most modern and effective methods of hair removal. Despite its youth, this method has managed to develop a huge number of myths. Consider the most common "horror stories" about laser hair removal.

Laser hair removal. 5 common myths

Laser epilation is expensive
It depends on what to compare with. With waxing and cream? Or hair removal with epilator and razor? Then really - very expensive! But if you imagine that after 5-6 sessions you will never have to do hair removal again, you will realize that diode laser hair removal saves money and time. And the effect of smooth skin like baby skin in general can only be achieved after hair removal with diode laser.
Laser bikini hair removal is very painful.
Every day, patients come to us who want to do laser hair removal, but are afraid of pain. During the free consultation we offer everyone to try the diode laser action on a small part of the body and to see for themselves that diode laser hair removal is a painless procedure.
Deep laser hair removal leads to burns
Let's not deny - leads! In the hands of inexperienced beauticians, any technique, even the most modern and high quality, can bring harm, not benefit. Our clinic employs experienced cosmetologists, who have been engaged in diode laser hair removal for several years.
Laser hair removal enhances pigmentation.
You will come to the first session of laser hair removal only after the preliminary free consultation. During the consultation, the doctor will tell you how to properly prepare for the procedure, clarify the presence of contraindications and explain how to behave after hair removal. If the simple rules are observed, there will be no negative consequences of hair removal.
Laser epilation is ineffective
The efficiency of diode laser epilation can be estimated only after 5-6 treatments. Usually the cycle of procedures is stretched for about six months. In one session, the diode laser destroys the working hair follicles. After a while, the sleeping bulbs wake up and the hair starts to grow again - in this case, the hair removal is repeated.
We have only voiced five common myths about laser hair removal. Once again we draw your attention to the fact that laser hair removal can be different. At our clinic, we only carry out hair removal with a diode laser.

date: 11 September 2020

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